Friday, May 22, 2020

Out of Many Ch.3 Dbq Questions. Essay - 756 Words

Ch.3 dbq’s DOCUMENT A: * How would tens of thousands of settlers immigrating to New England with this image of their own purpose shape the development of that colony? * Winthrop wants them to be a city in which everyone can copy, and look up to. They want to be a city upon a hill, literally where they can control everyone around them. They want to be a prosperous yet very close minded estate with no religious tolerance. * What kinds of settlers arrived in Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth Plantation, and Connecticut? * The puritans and Pilgrims arrived there (New England Colony). They were very religious. Pilgrims wanted to separate from the church completely and the Puritans wanted to reform it because they were†¦show more content†¦They had small farmers, with 1-2 slaves each. * How was the environment of Virginia and the other Chesapeake colonies different from that of New England? * South was un-urbanized, had mainly farming, and no seaports. New England was very urbanized and had seapor ts, and trade. * How did this make the development of colonies along the Chesapeake different from the evolution of those in New England? * New England was focused on family and religion mostly. They don’t live apart like the Southern Colonies and the South were also very competitive with agriculture. * How did the rivers of the Chesapeake impact the development of communities? * South wanted to be by rivers. They then had contact with the Indians who were there, and eventually kicked them out. * Why was slavery considered a viable labor system in the colonies of the Chesapeake while it did not gain much of a foothold in New England? * They used slaves for exports and labor; New England didn’t need labor like the South for agriculture. * How would this impact the development of different societies in Virginia in contrast to Massachusetts? * Because of social structure and security. * They are over a hundred years apart, but what do these two paintings tell you about th e society which evolved in the puritan town of Boston against the society of a plantation in Virginia? * South was not

Thursday, May 7, 2020

The United States And Switzerland Health Care System

Finding a healthcare system that is beneficial and affordable for the country’s citizens is challenging and often seems impossible due to the high price of medical care and the broad spectrum of healthcare issues that insurance plans must cover. The debate of a healthcare system which is affordable, effective, and accessible for the majority of the population is a topic of great discussion. The United States and Switzerland health care systems are prime examples of this debate. The United States has The Affordable Care Act, or Obama Care as it is commonly known in Switzerland residents have a Universal Health Care System. While both systems provide health care to their residents, they each have good and less desirable aspects to them. The US health care system is a mixture of private and public sectors. About 80% of care is provided by the private sector. This includes hospitals, doctors, pharmacies, medical devices and medical research. The biggest price tag by far comes from the medical research aspect. This cost has to be passed down to the consumer of course. About 60% of Americans have health insurance which is provided by their employer. People who get their insurance through their employer don’t get charged more based on prior illness, age or gender. Insurance coverage can range in benefits and coverage, but pretty much cover preventative care, prescriptions, and medical care for illness. There is also a co-pay that needs to be payed this is usuallyShow MoreRelatedCompare Us And Switzerland Healthcare Case Study911 Words   |  4 PagesCompare US and Switzerland Healthcare Systems In 2010, the United States created The Affordable Care Act (ACA). The objective was to share the responsibility of costs between the government, individuals, and employers to provide affordable access to quality health insurance. â€Å"However, health coverage remains fragmented, with numerous private and public sources, as well as wide gaps in insured rates across the U.S. population.† (â€Å"United States: International Health Care System Profiles,† n.d.). EachRead MoreSwitzerland Case Study976 Words   |  4 Pageswritten assignment is a comparison of the United States’s health care system to Switzerland’s health care system. The United states do not have a universal health care system. It has a regulated healthcare market system composed of private insurance companies, health maintenance organizations and preferred provider organizations. Tricare is health insurance for military, spouses,dependents and beneficiaries.(Cherry, B, (2014)) Government fun ded programs provide health coverage for the unemployed, elderlyRead MoreHealth Care Systems Of Switzerland855 Words   |  4 Pages Health Care Systems of Switzerland Switzerland’s health care system is not tax based or is not company paid either. If you are planning on moving to Switzerland within three months of being there, you must contact a public or private health insurance company provider. Upon buying your insurance each member of your family is individually cover no matter what the ages are, and as soon as you receive your insurance it starts immediately, and youRead MoreSwitzerland Health Care System993 Words   |  4 Pages The United States’s and Switzerland’s health care systems are compared and analyzed for this written assignment. The United states do not have a universal health care system. It has a regulated healthcare market system composed of private insurance companies, health maintenance organizations and preferred provider organizations. Tricare is health insurance for military, spouses,dependents and beneficiaries.(Cherry, B, (2014)) Government funded programs provide health coverage for theRead MoreSwitzerland Case Study765 Words   |  4 PagesWhich country has the best health care in the world? Well according to Business Insider, Switzerland ranks as number three in the world (Martin, 2017). As of 2016, Switzerland’s population was estimated to be a little over eight million people with a growth rate of 0.7%, a birth rate of 10.5 births per 1,000, and a death rate of 8.2 deaths per 1,000. When broken down by age the population looks approximately as follows: zero to fourteen is 15.1% (51.5% male, 48.5% female), fifteen to twenty-fourRead MoreAmericas Universal Healthcare Coverage1744 Words   |  7 PagesThis says to me that the United States must look within itself and make the moral determination as to whether healthcare should be considered a fundamental right granted to all its citizens as a theme of this book. Once addressed, the United States can join the other industrialized countries who have long since implemented universal healthcare systems such as Germany, France, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Canada who have more cost effective systems which produce better health outcomes than the US.1Read MoreFrontline: Sick Around the World975 Words   |  4 P agesHealth care has been a debatable topic for many years now. More than half of Americas are without health coverage. On the other side the world places like Germany and Japan required that everyone has insurance. In the videos, Sick Around the World and Sick Around America, Frontline examines the health care system in the United States and parts of the world such as, England, Japan, Germany, Taiwan, and Switzerland, for some responses about health care. In the video Sick Around the World, FrontlineRead MoreThe World Happiness Report Is Not The Elusive State Of Emotional Happiness1541 Words   |  7 Pageselusive state of emotional happiness, but rather your state of being, happiness at your core which does not wane day-to-day like emotions. Happiness reports are being used to show quality of life, and help governments to be able to pass legislature that improves the lives of all people in their countries. The World Happiness Report is a research-based paper that has been published by the United Nations for the past 3 years. They gather information from surveys, economic studies, health recordsRead MoreThe Affordable Care Act Of The United States1343 Words   |  6 PagesIt is no surprise that the Affordable Care Act is a huge controversy in the U.S. presently, when it was first introduced there was a huge reaction on how this would never work. But what makes the Affordable Care Act work and not work when the people haven’ t even given it a chance? Evidently the real problem is when people use and hear the term â€Å"social medicine.† This simple term shakes the nation and the minds of others go straight to a communism approach. In order to shed light and make the doubtersRead MoreWhy The United States Ranks So Poorly During The American Health System869 Words   |  4 Pages According to Schroeder â€Å" the United States spends more on health care than any other nation in the world, but ranks poorly on every measure of health status† ( Schroeder,1). Schroeder discussed the two main reasons why the United States ranks so poorly on every measure of the health system. One of the reasons for the low ranking in the American health system is â€Å"the pathways to better health do not generally depend on better health care† (Schroeder, 1); the fact that we have access to advance tools

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Roman Government Compared to United States Government Free Essays

Brooke BulfBulf 1 Mr. Vansant L. A 19 march 2013 The government from ancient Rome had a big impact on our modern government. We will write a custom essay sample on Roman Government Compared to United States Government or any similar topic only for you Order Now Our senate is modeled after the Ancient Roman government. Although there are some similarities there are many differences between the Roman government and the U. S government. At first early Rome was ruled by kings and in 510 B. C Romans agreed that a king would never rule them again. The last king was the most unpopular because he ruled in the worst way. His name was Tarquinus. He ruled without telling the council his ideas. He also put to death anyone he pleased. The Romans drove Tarquinus out of Rome. One similarity from ancient Rome and our government is the Senate. For example a senator is a person from the government in Rome that is also in the modern government. Our Senators for the state of California are Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein. A senator in the United States acts as a representative in Congress. There are two senators elected in each state therefore there are 100 senator within the U. S. A senator in ancient Rome was a little different. Their senate was chosen from patricians’. Patricians were considered the upper class of Rome. Senators were usually relatives of past senators. They were also the people who made up the laws and controlled much of the spending. Although ancient Rome had senator the emperor was the ultimate ruler. Romans did not elect people to the senate. They were chosen from the Bulf 2 council and there were hundreds of senators. One of the differences in the government of the United States and ancient Rome is the United States has a two party system, Democrats and Republicans, but Romans had an emperor. Within our two party systems a president is elected into office and the Romans chose an emperor based on their social status. Our president serves a four-year term and no more than two terms. Emperors had no term limits and served for life. One of the similarities of the United States and ancient Rome includes their government started out as a republic. By definition a republic means, â€Å"A state in which  the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. † The romans divided their citizens into citizens, noncitizens, and slaves. The citizens were then divided again into patricians and plebeians. These people had more right than the other noncitizens. There were also equestrians were rich men who served in the army. It was very possible to change ranks in Roman society. Equestrians could become senators and many roman citizens had slave ancestors. Some slave or freemen (ex-slaves) ran the civil service. Women in Rome were expected to be good wives and mothers. They were in charge of the life in the house. Girls were educated to primary level if at all. Wealthy woman enjoyed their independence. Large numbers of women were slaves. If you were wealthy it consist of play and school. Some Roman fathers would educate their own children. A school day typically ran from dawn to noon. Some parents who were very poor couldn’t feed their children and they left them out to die. Family was vey important to the Romans. The paterfamiliases were wealthy Bulf 3 families. The husband had the power from life to death of his children. The men were the masters of the house and the family. During the day, they worked outside of the home. If you were a rich man you would begin your day by putting on a toga and eating breakfast with bread, cheese, honey, and water. A rich man would start his work by writing letters to other Romans, seeing clients, and going to the forum to meet other businessmen. Poor men were craftsmen, shopkeepers, or farmers. Also if you were a poor man you would start work at delight. Poor men only had bread for breakfast. Rome territory included an area that is now more than 30 countries. The size of The Roman Empire led to its fall. Since the area was so huge, barbarian tribes started to invade the borders and slowly the Roman Empire fell. In fact Rome’s area was so large it was split into western and eastern empires with separate government and emperor for each territory. Rome covered most of Europe, most of North Africa, and some of Asia. That massive rea created problems for the Roman Empire which led to the western and eastern split. This made it easier to protect their land. Western Rome controlled Europe and North Africa including the city of Rome. Eastern Rome controlled Turkey and parts of Asia and included the city of Byzantium. In conclusion ancient Rome was a very interesting place with a government and normal life. Our government has both similarities and differences of the ancient Roman government. It was interesting to learn how large Rome was and the vast area that was hard to control. Based on what I learned I would prefer to be in the wealthy social status of ancient Rome. How to cite Roman Government Compared to United States Government, Papers