Thursday, May 7, 2020

The United States And Switzerland Health Care System

Finding a healthcare system that is beneficial and affordable for the country’s citizens is challenging and often seems impossible due to the high price of medical care and the broad spectrum of healthcare issues that insurance plans must cover. The debate of a healthcare system which is affordable, effective, and accessible for the majority of the population is a topic of great discussion. The United States and Switzerland health care systems are prime examples of this debate. The United States has The Affordable Care Act, or Obama Care as it is commonly known in Switzerland residents have a Universal Health Care System. While both systems provide health care to their residents, they each have good and less desirable aspects to them. The US health care system is a mixture of private and public sectors. About 80% of care is provided by the private sector. This includes hospitals, doctors, pharmacies, medical devices and medical research. The biggest price tag by far comes from the medical research aspect. This cost has to be passed down to the consumer of course. About 60% of Americans have health insurance which is provided by their employer. People who get their insurance through their employer don’t get charged more based on prior illness, age or gender. Insurance coverage can range in benefits and coverage, but pretty much cover preventative care, prescriptions, and medical care for illness. There is also a co-pay that needs to be payed this is usuallyShow MoreRelatedCompare Us And Switzerland Healthcare Case Study911 Words   |  4 PagesCompare US and Switzerland Healthcare Systems In 2010, the United States created The Affordable Care Act (ACA). 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